In Magna Clinic the Internal Medicine specialist is in charge of the management of those pathologies that involve the different systems of the patient, that “affect all body”, as it is Diabetes mellitus, high blood pression, Osteoporosis, infectious disease, the prevention of vascular disease (heart attack, strokes…), in close cooperation with the rest of specialties.
The Internal Medicine Unit, directed by Dr. Martinez Peñalver, is in charge of making the patient’s evaluation before, during and after the prescribed treatment in our clinic to make sure the proper function of the protocols. Also his team counts on a wide experience to provide a global, continuous and personalized attention to our patients.
The services offered by this department are:
- Medical check-ups
- Diabetes Unit: in our Internal Medicine service we monitor both diabetic patients who require insulin – including those who carry an insulin pump – and those who only take oral antidiabetics.
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease: follow-up of patients with metabolic syndrome, assessment of vascular risk. Our Internal Medicine service carries out both primary and secondary prevention
- Infectious disease: At Magna Clinic we have multidisciplinary teams coordinated by our specialists in internal medicine for the study, diagnosis and monitoring of the most prevalent diseases such as HIV infection, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, repetitive infections and serologies difficult to interpret.
- Weight control : Obesity is not only an aesthetic problem it is a health problem by increasing the risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. At Magna Clinic we offer you a detailed study of your problem and a personalized and customized dietary treatment. Our main challenge is to help our patients gradually assimilate behavioral changes in their diet and in their physical exercise, since among the most important causes of obesity are inactivity, diet and unhealthy eating habits. Our specialized unit in monitoring and weight control of Magna Clinic is especially concerned with the prevention and early treatment of complications of obesity:
- Elevation of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol
- Diabetes mellitus type II
- Arterial hypertension Metabolic Syndrome: is one that is produced by the combination of high levels of sugar, high blood pressure, high triglycerides and low HDL cholesterol
- Heart disease
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
In severe cases or for important health reasons we can prescribe medication as a therapeutic alternative.
If they are overweight or at risk of becoming obese, we help them in our specialized nutrition unit controlled by our internists with personalized measures. The health of our patients comes first.