Oncology service
The speciality of Oncology
The care and comfort of our patients is of utmost importance to us, so you will find an exclusive and continuous treatment from our team.
Our main objective is the care of the patient from diagnosis, treatment and subsequent follow-up. Our nursing team has extensive experience in this field offering comprehensive patient care.
Our medical team evaluates each case, cooperating amongst themselves, different specialities to make a complete evaluation of the patient and find out which treatment is the best for this case.
Its purpose is to complement the classic treatments of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, to enhance its effects and sensitize the tumor to these treatments.
In several countries it is already considered the 4th pillar in the treatment of cancer (along with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery).
Oncological Hyperthermia is a treatment that has the support of the SEOR (Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology), which has a working group on this treatment.
There are several types: Superficial, Regional, Whole Body …
At Magna Clinic we have Deep Local Hyperthermia and Whole Body Hyperthermia

Deep Local Hyperthermia
Deep Local Hyperthermia has been shown to inhibit cellular repair mechanisms, induces the appearance of heat shock proteins detectable by the immune system, induces apoptosis and inhibits angiogenesis.
The main functions of Deep Local Hyperthermia are:
- Higher caloric sensitivity of the neoplastic tissue to hyperthermia, due to its chronic ischemia, hypoxia and pH acidity.
- Temporary stabilization of the growth of tumor cells after hyperthermia.
- Prolonged action of temperature, due to the slow thermal dissipation, caused by a chronic ischemia inside the tumor, as a result of its reduced conductive mechanisms of regulation.
- Alterations in the neoplastic cell cycle, which results in obstruction of mitosis, due to disruption in the S phase.
- Notable action in the tumor center, less sensitive to radiation due to ischemia, hypoxia and low pH.
- Better response of the mechanisms of apoptosis.
This treatment has no side effects and can reduce the side effects of treatments such as chemotherapy.
The Deep Local Oncological Hyperthermia devices used in Magna Clinic are approved by the Spanish Medicines Agency.
Whole Body Hyperthermia
This treatment aims to enhance the patient’s immune system, although it also has an anti-inflammatory effect for certain pathologies.
The increase of the systemic temperature of the body by Whole Body Hyperthermia can result in a sustained stimulation of the immune activity inhibited by other treatments or various diseases.
It is a treatment that, in addition to cancer, is indicated for other pathologies where the immune system is weakened and where its anti-inflammatory effect may be useful, such as fibromyalgia, Lyme disease or chronic inflammatory diseases.
Second opinions
Once a month, an Oncology Committee is held, headed by the most prestigious oncologists in Andalusia, and in which an exhaustive study of the information provided by the patient is carried out, as well as a therapeutic proposal.
At Magna Clinic we are aware of the importance of requesting a second opinion or medical assessment as it is a fundamental quality contribution to understand and favor the resolution of your case in a satisfactory manner.