Sexual Health Service
Since 1974 the World Health Organization incorporates for the first time the concept of sexual health within their Health definition, the evolution and the develpment of this area didn’t stop to grow, by the increasing of the demand of assistance in an exponentially way in the past decades.
The appearance of different medications for the approach of sexual dysfunctions has been an element more for Sexual Health to acquired the role that the population grants it and to make health proffesionals in the differente assistential levels to tackle more and in a more effective way this problems.
All the epidemiological data available and the care experience of the last decades, allow us to affirm that sexual dysfunctions have an important prevalence, estimating that problems such as erectile dysfunction can affect, according to the age range, more than half of men, or that one in four women can develop a hypoactive sexual desire throughout their sexual life.
Intervention areas of clinical sexology and couple therapy
SEXUAL DISORDERS: Orientation and sexual therapy, both individually and in couples for:
- Premature, delayed or retrograde ejaculation, anejaculation, Erectile Dysfunction, lack of desire, vaginismus, dyspareunia, rejection and aversion to sex, variations of the object or sexual purpose, atypical sexual behavior, sexual offenses, sexual dysfunctions related to chronic concomitant pathology…
- Crisis of couple, isolation, infidelity, problems of coexistence, abuse, jealousy, extramarital affairs…
- Separation crisis and divorce therapy.
- Family planning.
- Counseling and therapy before the breakup of the couple.
- Family Mediation.
- Mutual agreement, expert reports.
- Divorce therapy.
Sex education
- To school and educators through the teaching of Sexuality Workshops Programs from a gender perspective.
- To professionals of the sanitary field, for the promotion of the active detection of sexological problems in the daily clinic, by means of the teaching of Workshops and Clinical Sessions.
- To the general population, for the promotion of Sexual Health, of Sexual Relations as a source of Health and well-being, and the prevention of dysfunctions.
Family planning and STD detection
- Contraceptive advice, with derivation of definitive contraception techniques
- Insertion and control of IUD
- Insertion of contraceptive implants
- Cytology and screening of HPV, vaccination against HPV
- Chlamydia detection
- Blood tests for STD detection
- HIV screening